Monday evenings are when many of our troops, crews, and packs have their weekly meeting. That spike in activity can cause the website to run more slowly.
How can you help? By using the TroopWebHost mobile app instead of the website!
The TroopWebHost Mobile App is available for free on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. When you use the mobile app, you reduce the load on our servers.
The mobile app will respond more quickly than the website, and it makes it easy to take attendance and sign off on requirements - even if you don't have Internet service where you meet.
Click on this screen shot for a complete demo...
Cub Scout Packs and Girl Scout Troops may now access the Budget module that was originally developed for our Scouts BSA customers. This lets you develop a budget for each fiscal year and track it against actual income and expenses.
The User Guide has a new section that walks you through the process of configuring and entering budgets.
Here are some of the highlights.
Budget Template Based On BSA Budget Worksheet. The Budget Template is a set of budget items that get applied to each fiscal year's budget. Cub Scout Packs will find the BSA's recommended budget items pre-loaded in their Budget Template. Girl Scout Troops can develop their own template to plan their income and expenses for the year.
Quick Configuration of Transaction Types. We use the Transaction Type to control whether you are prompted for a budget item on a given transaction. Since this is turned off by default, the transaction types need to be updated to enable budgeting. There is a button on the Transaction Types page to Enable Budget Using Recommended Settings. This will update some of your transaction types to enable budgeting, using an algorithm we developed. After using this function, please review the settings for all transaction types.
Easy Entry Of Budget Values. After you create a fiscal year, you can easily enter the budget values for expenses and income.
Just fill in the blanks. For some items you'll enter the per person value and the number of persons, and the system will compute the budget amount for you.
Assign Events To Budget Items. Campouts and other outings can be assigned to budget items. You may then enter a budget for each event. Fundraiser events can also be assigned to a budget item.
Since the event is assigned to a budget item, you don't need to specify a budget item on any of the transactions you enter for an event. The actual expense and income values for the event are rolled up into the budget item assigned to the event.
Quick Assignment of Existing Transactions If you've already entered transactions for this fiscal year, they need to be assigned to a budget item. This can be done on a mass basis, using a page that only selects transactions which have not been assigned a budget item.
Reporting. The Budget Report can be produced for any fiscal year. It shows the budget and actual values for all budget items.
Scouts may now print a report showing all of their orders from previous fundraisers. This can be used to find the contact information for previous customers to solicit new orders.
Scouts can go to My Stuff → My Fundraiser Sales to generate this report, as shown below. Parents can access the same report for each of their scouts from My Stuff → My Scouts → Fundraisers.
This feature does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
Scouting America recently announced a pilot project to test mixed gender troops, which some of our customers are participating in. For those troops participating in the pilot, patrols can now be mixed gender.
To support these troops, we've added a third option to the gender specification for a patrol. Patrols that are assigned a gender of "All" will be available for both boys and girls.
This feature does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
In July of last year we introduced a way to track the registration end date for scouts.
We were asked to display this information on the calendar detail page, which we've done. A "YES" in this column indicates that the scout's BSA registration is paid up through the date of the event.
In addition, the Event Compliance and Shift Compliance reports now include scouts whose registration is past.
Version 2.1.4 of the TroopWebHost Mobile App is now available for free at the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This version corrects a problem with the new Cub Scout program for Webelos and Arrow of Light. The new adventures were not showing up in the app. This has been corrected in version 2.1.4.
Another bug persists in this version: On many iPhones, the "back" arrow in the upper left corner of the page is not visible. You can still tap in the corner of the page to exit, but you won't see the arrow. We plan to fix this problem in an upcoming release.
Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu. This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!
Or simply contact us at If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.
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