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February 2024 Enhancements

Archive Monetary Transactions

TroopWebHost has been in business for nearly fifteen years.  We are fortunate to now have 453 scouting units that have been with us for ten years or longer, and we sincerely appreciate their loyalty!  Those that have been using our accounting module may have accumulated a lot of transaction history that is no longer needed, which may be causing some screens to load more slowly than you would like.

We now have the ability to archive old transactions without changing any account balances.  The archived transactions are moved to a separate table so they are no longer visible from the Individual Transactions page.

In TroopWebHost, all balances are computed dynamically by adding up all the transactions that credit that particular balance and subtracting those transactions that debit that balance.  To preserve these balances, when we remove the old transactions we create offsetting transactions that summarize the effect on each balance.

The procedure creates new transaction types for these offsetting transactions:

The procedure will archive all transactions prior to a specified date, except for:

The procedure will delete all group transactions associated with any deleted transactions.  It will also delete all statement reconciliations that are dated prior to the purge date.

The budgets for any years prior to the purge date will remain, but will no longer have any "actual" values.

We have not yet made this feature available on a menu.  Please submit a Support Ticket to request that your transactions be archived, and be sure to specify the effective date.  We will give precedence to troops that have over 10,000 transactions.

Participant List Vehicle Info

This feature does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

The Drivers section of the Participant List now includes the vehicle make/model and license plate.

Send Us Your Questions and Suggestions

Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu.   This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!

Or simply contact us at  If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.