Many TroopWebHost sites use Google Analytics to measure traffic on their public site. We believe that using Google Analytics may also improve your site's ranking in Google Search.
Google released Google Analytics 4 a while ago and announced that it will end support for the old version (now referred to as "Universal Analytics") effective July 1. In preparation for this change, we added support for Google Analytics 4 to the TroopWebHost Site Appearances page.
Go to the SEO (Advanced) tab to see how this new feature was implemented.
The new Google Analytics Version field has been set to "Universal Analytics (old version)" for all sites that are currently using this feature.
IMPORTANT: You cannot upgrade just by changing this selection to "Google Analytics 4"! You must first logon to your Google Analytics account and have them issue a new "Google Tag" for your site. Copy and paste your new Google Tag into the Google Analytics Tracking ID field, as shown above. Only then should you select "Google Analytics 4" from the drop down list. Then click Save & Exit to complete the process!
The E-Mail Settings page lets you configure the FROM name on out-bound messages to include your unit name in front of the sender's name, e.g., "Troop 119 - John Corning".
A new field on that page now allows you to specify exactly how your unit name is presented.
This feature was requested by organizations that share one TroopWebHost site between multiple scouting units. This allows the email FROM address to reference all of those units.
For events with shifts, the calendar detail page now lists all of the shift participants in a separate grid near the bottom of the page. This is in addition to the existing grid that displays a list of shifts.
This new grid shows everyone who is signed up for any shift on this event, along with their comment. Event planners will also see the date and time that each person signed up for the shift.
This feature is not applicable to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
The BSA now requires that at least one adult leader current with Hazardous Weather Training (BSA course code SCO_800) be present at most outdoor events. We've made several changes to make it easier to comply with this new rule.
The Event Type now lets you indicate that this type of event requires a leader with Hazardous Weather Training.
On the calendar detail page for upcoming events, the adult participants grid now has an additional column to display each adult's hazardous weather training status.
This column will only appear if:
It displays "Current" if that person completed course SCO_800 within two years of the scheduled event. It displays "Expired" if they received hazardous weather training prior to that. It will be empty if they never completed hazardous weather training.
To prepare sites for this change, we updated any existing training courses for "Hazardous Weather" to insert the "SCO_800" course code. If there was no hazardous weather training in your sites training course list, we added it.
This feature is not applicable to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
The BSA requires that each event have at least two adults who are "BSA Registered". Up until now, the only way we had to determine that an adult was BSA registered was if they were included in the current year's recharter. But many troops do not use the TroopWebHost recharter subsystem, yet they still need a way to designate which adult members are BSA registered.
To make this easier, we added a field to the adult membership record where you may enter the expiration date for their current BSA registration.
To make this even easier, we added this field as a new column in the Update All . . . Adult BSA ID page.
If your troop uses the TroopWebHost recharter subsystem, there is no need to use this new field. We will continue to determine an adult's BSA registration status based on their recharter status.
This feature is not applicable to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
Effective September 1 of 2023, all adults participating in an overnight event must be registed in a "BSA Feed Paid" position. This is not necessarily the same as being "BSA Registered", as it requires the adult to currently hold a leadership position that is on a list published by the BSA.
We added a new checkbox to the Leadership Position to help you track this information.
To prepare sites for this change, we updated your Leadership Positions table to enable this attribute for any position that matched a name on the BSA list or the corresponding BSA position code. Please review this list to be sure that all of the qualifying positions have been marked as "fee paid".
This feature is not applicable to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.
As noted above, all adults attending an overnight event must currently hold a BSA "feed paid position". For ALL scouting activities, including meetings, you must have two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over.
To help you comply with these requirements, we've added some information to the adult participants grid in the calendar detail page for upcoming events.
The BSA Registered? column now displays YES if:
In addition, you will see "(under 21)" displayed for any adult leader who will be under 21 as of the date of this event.
The Fee Pos column will display if this person holds a leadership position that is marked as "fee paid", as long as the date of this event is within the term of that position.
These columns will only be visible to users who are authorized for a user role that is authorized for the "View Participant BSA Registration Status" task.
We discovered another source of BSA training data on the MyScouting website. The "Specific Training Course report" allows you to select specific training courses. It then produces a list of all of your unit's adult members who have completed those courses.
The Upload Training From My.Scouting.Org page can now process this file format, in addition to five other formats that were already supported.
For some fundraisers, like camp cards, you may issue merchandise to your scouts for them to sell. You can enter inventory adjustments to track how many units of each item have been issued to each scout.
A new report now allows you to track how many units of each item are currently held by each scout, based on the number issued and the number that were delivered to customers.
This report is available from the Merchandise Inventory reports page, by clicking the Inventory Issued To Members button.
Here is a sample:
Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu. This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!
Or simply contact us at If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.
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TroopWebHost is not affiliated with or endorsed by Scouting America.