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January - February 2021 Enhancements

Mobile App Update

A new version of the TroopWebHost Mobile App is now available from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.  We recommend that you install this new version when your device has wi-fi access, since it will force a complete data reload.

Please be patient during the data loading process.  This may take several minutes to complete, even with a fast connection.  This version synchronizes twelve more tables than the previous release, including the text of all requirements for ranks, merit badges, and awards.

This version adds support for Scouts BSA advancement.  Cub Scout and Girl Scout advancement are not included in this release.

For all users, the app will now automatically perform an incremental refresh when you display the home page, if you have not refreshed your data in the last week.

New Security Tasks

This update only applies to TroopWebHost sites.  It is not available for Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

This month's release of the TroopWebHost Mobile App includes two new menu items and a number of new features, all of which are controlled through your website's security configuration.

The new menu items are controlled by these tasks, which can be authorized for any role using the Configure User Roles page of the website:

We have already assigned the first of these to the "Scout" user role in your system, and the second to the "Adult" user role.  If you do not wish to give your users access to these new menu items, you should update those user roles to remove that authorization.

Please note:  Adults will not be allowed to view the My Advancement icon, even if you authorize them for that task.

This release includes the following features, which we've already assigned consistent with your existing security policy:

The first of these gives the user the ability to sign off on requirements for any scout, for rank advancement, merit badges, and awards.  It should only be assigned to your advancement leaders.

The rest of these allow each Scout to manage their own advancement information, but not that of any other scout.  If you authorize adults for these tasks (not recommended), then adults will have these same capabilities (only for their children) from the My Scouts page.

Please review these settings and adjust as appropriate for your scouting unit.

Mobile App - My Advancement

This is only for TroopWebHost sites.  It does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

Scouts will see a new icon on their home page, "My Advancement".  This allows them to drill down into rank advancement, merit badges, awards, and activity credits.

The Rank tab lets them view the status of the Scout ranks, Eagle Palms, and Venturing Crew ranks.  They can view the requirements for each rank and request sign-off on those which they've completed.

The Badge tab lets them view merit badges currently in progress, those that have been earned, and those they have not yet started.  They may select new badges to add to their "In Progress" list and select a merit badge counselor (assuming you've authorized these features.)  They may also request sign-off on merit badge requirements.

The Award tab lets them view awards currently in progress, those that have been earned, and those they have not yet started.  They may select new awards to add to their "In Progress" list.

The Activity tab lets them see their current tallies for camping nights, service hours, etc., and drill down to see the events that contributed to each total.

Play this video to see how it works.

Mobile App - My Scouts

This is only for TroopWebHost sites.  It does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

Adults will see a new icon on their home page, "My Scouts".  This allows them to view information about their children who are in this scouting unit. 

They may view and update each scout's contact information, using a page that has the same layout as the My Account page.

They may also view each scout's advancement information, using a page with the same layout as the My Advancement page for scouts.

Play this video for a quick demonstration.

Mobile App - Advancement Leader

This is only for TroopWebHost sites.  It does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

Advancement leaders will have new capabilities from the Directory page, which allow them to view advancement information for all active scouts.

If the scout has a photo, the photo will become a link to their advancement information.  If not, an advancement icon will appear to the right of each scout's name.

Below the photo or icon will be the word "Advance".  If this scout has requested sign-off on rank requirements, this will be replaced by the word "Rank" in red.  If they requested sign-off on merit badge requirements, this will be replaced by "MB".

Tap the photo or icon to access this scout's advancement.

This page is organized like the scout's My Advancement page, with tabs to view ranks, merit badges, awards, and activity totals.

If there are pending requests for sign-off on any item, the word "Review" will appear in red to the right of that item.

Advancement leaders may sign off on any requirement.  They may also add merit badges or awards to the scout's "In Progress" list.

Play this video for details.

2021 Merit Badge Updates

This is only for TroopWebHost sites.  It does not apply to Cub Scout and Girl Scout sites.

The BSA recently published its updates to merit badge requirements for 2021.  All of these changes have now been implemented in your TroopWebHost site.

In some cases the changes were so extensive that we created a new version of the badge.  This allows scouts working under the previous version to complete it with the old requirements, while allowing scouts just getting started to use the new version.

New versions were created for Lifesaving, Collections, Motorboating, Public Health, and Sports merit badges.

Merge Event Locations

Each location at which your unit plans an event must be added to the Event Locations table.  This allows you to save important information about that location in one place, and reference it every time you use that location.

Of course, it is possible to accidentally create multiple records for the same location.  To help you clean up this situation, we created the Merge Duplicate Locations function.

Manage Private Quick Menus

At the top of every page in your TroopWebHost site, you will see the Quick Menu.  These are the four menu items that you use the most frequently.  It is recomputed every night by a job that personalizes the Quick Menu to each user based on their activity over the past month.

Administrators now have the option to force out a specific set of Quick Menu selections to all users of a given type.  This also allows them to set the Quick Menu for new users, whose Quick Menu would otherwise be empty due to lack of any history.

TroopWebHost users will find this capability at Administration → Menu Configuration → Configure Quick Menus.  Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts will find it at Site Configuration → Security Configuration → Configure Quick Menus.

This page allows you to manage both the public Quick Menu as well as the default values for the private Quick Menus.

In the lower grid, click Update to change the default Quick Menu settings for that member type.  Your changes will be pushed out to all users of that type by an overnight job;  they will see the effect the next day.

Send Us Your Questions and Suggestions

Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu.   This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!

Or simply contact us at  If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.