We discovered that the BSA's my.scouting.org site has the ability to produce a PDF report showing the complete training history for your troop, if you are a "Key 3" or "Training Manager" user on that site. We immediately developed a corresponding upload program to allow you to transfer this information to your TroopWebHost site.
To produce the report, please go to https://my.scouting.org and logon using your BSA user name and password.
Click on the Menu link to reveal the main menu, and find the section for your scouting unit that includes the "Training Manager" option, as circled below.
Select Training Manager from this menu to open the Training Manager dashboard, as shown below.
Click on the magnifying glass icon over the "Trained Leaders" chart, as circled above. This will display a list of all currently registered adults in your unit.
Above that list you should see these icons.
Click on the checkmark icon on the far right, as circled above. This will cause all members to be included in the report. You can deselect any members you don't wish to include.
Then click the clipboard icon, circled above, to produce the report.
Save the PDF file to your local storage. You can open this file to verify that it contains the training information you expected. For each adult who has completed training, there should be a separate page with the heading "Training Complete", as shown here.
If your report does not look like this, please go back to the beginning and make sure you followed the steps as described above.
You should now be ready to upload the training data to your system.
Please go to Membership → Training → Upload Member Training PDF From MyScouting. (Cub Scout packs can just go to Membership → Upload Member Training PDF From MyScouting.)
Select the file that you downloaded from the MyScouting site using the Upload File control.
The Trial Run option is recommended the first time you upload any file. This will allow you to see the effect of the upload without actually updating your database.
The upload program will look up members using their BSA ID, so it is a good idea to have everyone's BSA ID up to date before running this process. If a person can't be found using their BSA ID, the system will attempt to do an exact match on first name, middle name, last name, and suffix.
The system will try to find each training course that is referenced in the file in the training courses table. It will match on Course Code or Training Name.
If it cannot find a match, it will not be able to load that training record...unless you check the box Add training course if not found?
That option will cause the system to add new training courses to your list of available courses.
Press the Upload Training File button when you are ready to process the file.
If you go Site Configuration → Advancement Settings, you'll see the option to Automatically Award Community Service Requirements.
Until recently, this only caused the service requirements for Star and Life to be automatically signed off.
It now signs off on these lower rank requirements based on service hours from troop service projects and/or Credit For Other Activity:
Girl Scout achievements are now organized into four main categories:
This aligns the Journeys, Badges & Awards with the national program, making it easier to find the one you're looking for.
The child safety requirement for Cub Scout ranks Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and AOL, have been split into two separate requirements. The second of these, which can be satisfied by earning the Cyber Chip for that age level, is now marked complete automatically when the Cyber Chip is earned.
Troops holding virtual meetings can take attendance by letting people sign in through the TroopWebHost calendar. When enabled, this sign in form will be available when the meeting is selected from the calendar during its scheduled time, or up to a half hour before the scheduled start.
Click the Save button to save your entries.
This feature is enabled through the Event Type, as shown here:
With many units now holding virtual meetings they need a way to conduct elections. TroopWebHost surveys are a perfect solution!
Create a survey question for each position, with each candidate as a potential answer. To keep the voting confidential, select the new Hide Survey Results option, as shown here.
With Hide Survey Results selected, only those leaders authorized to maintain surveys will be able to see the results.
Here's a helpful tip: For Order of the Arrow elections, create a survey with the "Multiple Choices (multiple choices per person)" setting. This will allow each scout to vote for as many candidates as they'd like.
If your troop has created reserve accounts for summer camp or Eagle projects using Personal Subaccounts, the Account Balances Report will now show each member's primary balance and reserve balance, as shown here.
The primary balance is the sum of all subaccounts that can be used for routine troop activities. The reserve balance is the sum of all subaccounts set aside for long term expenditures, like summer camp, Philmont, or Eagle projects.
The "One Page Per Person" version of the Individual Accounts Summary Report will now show the amount on transactions that transfer money between member accounts, and it will also show the subaccounts affected.
Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu. This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!
Or simply contact us at CustomerSupport@TroopWebHost.com. If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.
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TroopWebHost is not affiliated with or endorsed by Scouting America.