If you have any questions or suggestions about TroopWebHost, please contact us at info@TroopWebHost.com.
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
New Fields in the Event Record
Several new fields are now available on the Event page:
- Sign-Up Start Date can be used to delay sign-up for an event until that date.
- Cycling Miles lets you record biking miles for an event.
- Paddling Miles lets you track miles spent rowing, canoeing or kayaking on an event.
- Leaders allow you to designate the leaders - scouts and/or adults - for the event.
These new fields will only appear if your Event Type is configured to include them.
You may wish to create new event types for biking and paddling activities, or update existing event types to include these fields.
Credit For Other Activity
We completely revamped the Rank Summary tab of the Individual Advancement page, as shown below.
The participation summary now includes cycling and paddling miles.
Below that grid, you'll see that you can now credit scouts for camping nights, service hours, hiking miles, cycling miles, and paddling miles earned at
activities outside of regular troop events.
The Add Credit For Other Activity button will bring up the page shown at right.
This allows you to add any number of credits for outside activities for individual scouts.
This also gives troops that have just converted to TroopWebHost a great way to enter credits for past activities.
Upload Other Activity
The Advancement menu has a new option: Credit For Other Activity.
This page lists all of the credits for your entire troop and allows you to add, change and delete this information.
It also has a button "Upload New Items" which will take you to a new upload page, as shown below.
This page allows you to upload credits for other activity from a CSV file.
There is a sample CSV file available from this page, which shows you how the file should be formatted.
This provides an easy way to transfer activity history from other systems.
Reports Updated To Include Cycling and Paddling Miles
The following reports now include cycling and paddling miles, which can include miles earned from "Other Activity".
- Scouting History
- Event Participation Annual Summary
- Event Participation Cumulative Summary
The Order of the Arrow Eligibility Report now includes
credit for camping nights recorded in Other Activity, as long as the date is within the past two years.
The automatic computation of community service requirements for Star and Life now includes
credit for service hours recorded in Other Activity since the scout's previous rank advancement.
Dietary Restrictions
There is a new field on the membership record for recording Dietary Restrictions.
The Participant List now includes dietary restrictions and allergies in the "Comment" column for each participant.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about these or any other features.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning