If you have any questions or suggestions about TroopWebHost, please contact us at info@TroopWebHost.com.
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Eagle Merit Badge Status By Scout
This new report shows which Eagle required merit badges your scouts have earned or have started.
An "X" indicates that the scout has completed that merit badge, and an asterisk (*) indicates that he has started it.
Advancement Reports By Patrol
We added a new submenu to the Advancement menu: Advancement Reports By Patrol.
This will contain advancement reports that are split out by patrol, to make it easier to work with individual patrols on advancement.
It currently contains these reports:
- Rank Status By Patrol
- Eagle Merit Badge Status By Patrol
We welcome your suggestions for other reports that would be useful at the patrol level.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about these or any other features.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning