If you have any questions or suggestions about TroopWebHost, please contact us at info@TroopWebHost.com.
When you do, please mention your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Create Announcements Just For The Newsletter
Or just for the Home Page.
It's up to you.
Now you can create a short announcement for the home page and a longer version of it for the newsletter.
Or compose articles specifically for the newsletter.
Medical Expiration Dates In The Newsletter
This is a configurable option, which by default we have turned on for all of our troops.
It adds a new personalized section to the Automated Electronic Newsletter.
For parents, it will show the medical form expiration dates for any family members for whom one or more
parts have expired or are about to expire. For scouts, it will only show his expiration dates, and only if they've expired or are about to expire.
It is triggered by the expiration of previously submitted forms; it will not appear for members who have never submitted a medical form.
The "Download Forms" Page Looks Nicer
There are no longer separate sections for each access level, and the columns line up properly.
Mail Server Upgrade
We upgraded to the Enterprise Edition of our MailEnable™ mail server software.
This gave us more configuration options that should allow us to improve mail delivery performance with some e-mail providers.
Search Engine Visiblity
Many thanks to Brian Graffius of Troop 181 in Peachtree City, Georgia, and Tim Toennies of Troop 85 in O'Fallon, Illinois, for their advice on how to improve
the visibility of all of our troops' web sites in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines.
The first change was to provide an alternative address for each troop's home page which would be easier for the search engines to recognize. So, for example, my troop's
web site is now available at http://www.TroopWebHost.org/formHTML.aspx?site=Troop119FortMyers.
The old format address is still valid and we are not advising you to start using this new format.
The new address does not operate within a frameset, which created problems for the search engines.
We've also added an index to the root directory, www.TroopWebHost.org, which includes a link
to every active TroopWebHost subscriber, using the new alternate address.
This new page, shown below, may also make it easier for some members of your troop to find their site.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about these or any other features.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning