ScoutNet Interface Now Available!
We're ready for you to try out our new ScoutNet interface for advancement and rechartering.
But first we'd like to thank the troops that joined TroopWebHost in the past month.
- Troop 4 of Charleston, South Carolina
- Troop 93 of Brentwood, California
- Troop 446 of Lebanon, Pennsylvania
- Troop 574 of Bothell, Washington
- Troop 987 of Ashland City, Tennessee
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions while you're getting started. We'll be glad to help!
ScoutNet Rank Advancement
Scout districts encourage troops to load their rank advancement and merit badge data electronically through the ScoutNet interface. We now support this capability.
From your Advancements menu, select Export ScoutNet Advancement. Then follow the directions on the page to produce the output file.
Be sure to save the file to your local drive before you open it. If you do open it in Excel or a similar spreadsheet program, do not make any changes or attempt to save it.
If you must save it, be sure to save it in the CSV format - even if the program advises you otherwise!
Please let us know if you are able to successfully upload this file to your district.
ScoutNet Rechartering
To recharter your troop you must collect a lot of information. All of this information is available within TroopWebHost, and we now offer the ability to export it in a way that should
allow you to upload it into ScoutNet.
But first you need to get all of your information accurate and up to date.
Start with you adult leadership records. Every registered member of your committe must be specifically designated as a Committe Member or Committee Chairman, even if they hold more specific positions, such as Treasurer or Webmaster.
Similarly, each Scoutmaster must be set up as a ScoutMaster or Assistant Scoutmaster. Each leader's current term must overlap with the end of the current charter year.
For those adult leaders and scouts that transferred into your troop in the past year, be sure to go to their membership record and click the new box entitled Transfer From Another Unit?
Similarly, if you have adult leaders or scouts that pay their registration through another unit, click the new box entitled Pays Recharter Fee In Another Unit? on the membership page.
For members who are no longer active, you must enter the date they left the troop to avoid paying a recharter fee for that person.
When you are ready to produce the export file, select Export ScoutNet Recharter File from the Troop menu and follow the instructions on the page.
Report Financial History
Treasurers have a new tool for analyzing their troop's financial information.
The Financial History Report shows the following information for whatever range of dates you select:
- Summary of all transactions during that timeframe, by transaction type
- Summary of all events for which transactions were entered
- List all expenses that were not charged to a specific event
To produce the report, select Report Financial History from the Money menu.
Thanks for your support!
John Corning
ScoutNET is a trademark of the Boy Scouts of America.
TroopWebHost is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America.
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