December 2009 Newsletter January 2010 Newsletter February 2010 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

2010 is shaping up to be a great year for scouting.

We'd like to thank our newest subscriber, Troop 951 of Naples, Florida, for joining the TroopWebHost family.

We've made some improvements to the site in the past few weeks that we think you'll like, most significantly in the accounting area.

Let's get started!
Bank Statement ReconciliationBank Statement Reconciliation
Bank Statement ReconciliationBank Statement Reconciliation
Bank Statement Reconciliation

Balancing your troop's checkbook is a breeze with the new troop account statement reconciliation feature we added this month.

From the Money menu, select Statement Reconciliation and then Add An Item.

As shown to the left, this allows you to add a new bank statement, including the starting and ending balances.

Then click on Select Deposits to check off all of the deposits that appear on this statement. You will only see those deposits to this account that haven't been previously reconciled to an earlier statement.

Click Save & Exit to return to the statement.

Click Select Withdrawals to select all of the withdrawals from the account that appear on this statement. Once again, you will only see those withdrawals from this account that haven't previously been reconciled to an earlier statement.
Bank Statement ReconciliationBank Statement Reconciliation When you return to the statement detail page, you will now see the totals for the selected deposits and withdrawals in the upper right corner.

When you see "Statement Reconciled? YES" you know that you've successfully balanced your account.

If not, the Difference To Be Reconciled will show you the amount that is still out of balance.

You can then make the necessary adjustments to complete the reconciliation.
2010 Rank Requirements2010 Rank Requirements
2010 Rank Requirements

We recently found out about major changes to the requirements for several Boy Scout ranks that took effect on January 1, 2010.

For Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, and Life, there were changes to the number and order of the requirements.

Scouts who had completed at least one of the rank requirements can continue to use the old requirements, but scouts who are just beginning work on that rank must use the new requirements.

We have updated the software to give you this flexibility.

If you've already entered any rank advancement information for a scout, you will continue to see the old requirements for that scout.

But if you bring up that rank for a scout who has not yet earned any of the requirements, you will see the new requirements.
'Other' Events'Other' Events
'Other' Events

We had several requests for another type of event to handle those special occasions that aren't really meetings, or campouts, or community service or fundraisers.

You can now select "Other" for those events that don't fit the established categories.

Unlike meetings, "Other" events will show up in the Sign Up For Upcoming Events list.
Event ParticipationEvent Participation
Event Participation

The Rank Summary tab of the Individual Advancements page now includes a summary of all events, other than meetings, that this scout participated in.

This allows you to quickly determine whether this scout has met his requirements for campouts and community service.
Thank you for your support!

John Corning