The Booth Sales function makes it easy to accept in-person payments at fundraiser events.
Booth Sales now works with the Square POS app to process credit card and debit card payments. In order to use this option, you will need to:
To begin operating a sales booth, log on to your TroopWebHost site and go to Sales → Booth Sales. If your site is configured for both Square and PayPal, the opening page will look like this:
Check the "Use Square POS" box, then press Continue.
The credit card processing fee charged by both vendors is very similar:
For payments less than $100, PayPal is slightly less expensive (by no more than 10 cents per transaction). On the other hand, in testing we've found the Square app to be more reliable and easier to use.
Please use whichever option makes the most sense for your unit.
You can transfer membership information from Scoutbook into TroopWebHost by uploading the Scout and Adult files that can be exported from Scoutbook.
These upload functions now also create relationships between parents and their scouts. While the export files do not explictly link the scouts to their parents, we are using common email addresses to deduce those relationships.
For Cub Scouts, we also now capture the Den Number (if numeric) and the scout's age level. For Scouts BSA units, we now capture the Order of the Arrow milestone dates.
We continue to refine our ability to upload advancement data from Scoutbook.
One of our subscribers reported a problem uploading completed requirements for Archery merit badge. We quickly responded with modifications to correctly interpret the requirement numbers they use for this badge.
Troopmaster recently modified their Individual History Report PDF output to omit the scout's date of birth, which we had been using, along with first name (or alias) and last name, to look up the scout in TroopWebHost. We discovered this after one of our subscribers reported that the upload was having no effect.
Fortunately, the report now includes the scout's BSA ID, so we were able to modify the program to use that to confirm the scout's identity. Since the BSA ID is a requirement for Internet Advancement 2.0, all of our scouting units should be entering this information for all active scouts.
The Update All...Scout BSA ID function makes it easy to review the BSA IDs of all your scouts and quickly fill in those that are missing.
The Cub Scout and Girl Scout versions of TroopWebHost now display the count and sum of the transactions generated from a group transaction, as shown below.
The Cub Scout and Girl Scout versions of TroopWebHost now display the number of members and guests signed up for an event, as shown below.
The Scouts BSA version of TroopWebHost now displays the number of drivers going to and from an event who will not be attending the event. This number helps the organizer calculate the total number of seats they have available for attendees.
These numbers are not displayed when they are zero. I.e., you will only see this information if there are drivers who are not signed up to attend the event.
The official Scouts BSA requirements for the Scout rank shows requirement 6 as one requirement, but it really tracks two separate achievements:
"With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide and earn the Cyber Chip Award for your grade."
We've split this into two subrequirements to make this easier to track. This allows us to import this requirement correctly from Scoutbook, which also has it broken out into two subrequirements.
The Adult Leaders Who Need YPT report now only includes those adults who currently hold leadership positions or are currently available as merit badge counselors for one or more badges.
Prior to this change we had also been including any adult who had a BSA ID on their membership record. We've learned that all parents who fill out the BSA's on-line registration are now assigned BSA IDs, so this was causing parents to be included in this report who are not actively involved in the troop, and thus are not required to take YPT.
Send us a ticket from the My Support Tickets page on your site's Help menu. This is absolutely the best way to communicate with us!
Or simply contact us at If you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we can identify your site.
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TroopWebHost is not affiliated with or endorsed by Scouting America.