The site now appends the names of all recipients to the bottom of every e-mail message sent from the site. This allows everyone to see who else received this message.
This option can be configured from the E-Mail Settings page on the Site Configuration menu, as shown below.
Your other choices are to turn off this feature, or to show both the name and e-mail addresses of all recipients.
You may have noticed another new feature on the E-Mail Settings page shown above.
You can now designate up to two adult leaders to receive a copy of all messages sent from the site, regardless of whether they were selected on the recipient list.
This can help you enforce "two deep leadership" in all e-mail communications.
The only exceptions are e-mails that have content specific to each recipient, such as account balances or passwords.
There are several ways to reply to an e-mail that was sent from the site. You can click the REPLY ALL link within the original message, or you can click the Reply button next to this message when you see it in My Inbox, My Sent Messages or View All E-Mail.
In all cases you will be taken to a page like the one shown below.
Improvements to this page include:
In addition to replying to the previous recipients, you can also use this page to re-send a message or to forward it to new recipients.
We split out the Upcoming Events report into two separate versions:
A new Fund Balances on Effective Date report shows you what the balance of each fund was on a selected effective date.
A new Emergency Contacts report can be printed that only includes the members signed up for a particular event.
Our fundraising subsystem was designed with the assumption that scouts would be driving the sales process. That is why our site requires a Personal URL that identifies the scout who will receive credit for the sale. The idea was the scouts would promote their Personal URL to friends and family, whose purchases would be attributed to this scout.
Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for troops to promote fundraiser sales from the troop website, or on promotional materials put out by the troop as a whole.
In response, we've added a Troop Sales URL that can be used to purchase merchandise on-line directly from the troop. This URL can be viewed from the Campaign Details tab of the Sales Campaigns page, as shown below.
This information will only be displayed for public sales campaigns with the PayPal payment option configured.
This does not replace the Personal URLs that are generated for each scout; the Personal URLs are still available. This just gives you another way to promote on-line sales.
Please send your questions and suggestions to us at We appreciate your input, and we will respond as quickly as possible.
When you write to us, please include your unit number and city so we can help you more effectively.
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TroopWebHost is not affiliated with or endorsed by Scouting America.