This new function helps you schedule events that happen "on the first Thursday of each month" or "the last Monday of the month, once a quarter."
Once you select the event you wish to copy, the choices for Day of Month to Copy To will be calculated based on the selected event.
The Take Attendance page now allows you to indicate that this is the final attendance for this event. You can also note who took attendance.
We've heard from a number of packs that separate their Cub Scouts into different dens for Webelos and Arrow of Light, with fourth graders in the Webelos den and fifth graders in the Arrow of Light den (formerly referred to as "Webelos II".)
We've made it easier to manage advancement for these units by giving you distinct age levels for each group and creating new tabs in the Adventures & Badges page.
If you choose to use these new age levels, the fourth graders will show up under the Webelos tab and the fifth graders will show up on the AOL tab.
All of the fourth and fifth graders will continue to show up on the "Webelos / AOL" tab, which is also available if you wish to keep both age levels in the same den.
By default, merit badge counselors (who have been given the “Merit Badge Counselor” user role) can only sign-off on requirements for scouts who have been assigned to them for a specific badge.
You can now expand their capabilities by authorizing your “Merit Badge Counselor” user role for two new tasks:
You can authorize these tasks from the Configure User Roles page.
As part of our on-going effort to limit access to personal identfying data, we replaced the Date of Birth column on the Rank Status reports with a column showing the number of weeks until the scout's 18th birthday.
You can edit the body of your announcements using the same WYSIWYG editor that you've been using for composing e-mail messages.
This is also available for editing the planned activities for an event.
As part of this enhancement, we upgraded our WYSIWYG editor to version 4.5.11 of CKEditor. We also brought back the Source button, which allows you to edit the raw HTML that is generated by the WYSIWYG editor.
You may need to clear your browser's cache to bring in the new version of the editor.
Note that CKEditor may override some of your formatting changes when you return to WYSIWYG mode. That is why we offer a separate Source button when editing sections of your Home page and other custom pages.
Please send your questions and suggestions to us at We appreciate your input, and we will respond as quickly as possible.
When you write to us, please include your unit number and city so we can help you more effectively.
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