Server Upgrade
Our new dedicated server is located in a secure data center in Lansing, Michigan, managed 24/7 by LiquidWeb.
Sporting the latest Intel dual hexa-core Xeon processor technology and high speed solid state disk, this server will provide faster response times during peak usage.
This upgrade also included the newest versions of Microsoft's server software and a real-time off-site backup service, giving us increased resilience.
TroopMaster Data Transfer
A new upload program now allows you to transfer more information from TroopMaster™ than ever before!
The new upload program uses the TroopMaster Individual History report to populate the following data in TroopWebHost:
- Date each rank requirement was completed by each scout
- Each completed merit badge
- Each partial merit badge
- All special awards that have been earned by scouts
- Scout leadership history
- Scout training history
This new upload replaces the "Upload Rank Dates" and "Upload Merit Badges" functions, which relied on export files that are no longer available from TroopMaster.
You must create the Individual History Report in text format. Create two copies of the report, one using the new rank requirements and one with the "old rules".
Each report should include all of your active scouts.
You'll find our new upload function at Advancement → Upload Advancement → Upload Individual History Report.
For additional instructions, please see the User Guide.
Special Awards for a Group of Scouts
It is now much easier to enter a special award that has been earned by a group of scouts.
Boy Scout troops can access this function from Advancement → Maintain Advancement → Special Awards - Scouts.
Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts can access this function from the Special Awards page.
Once there, the Update Award For Group button will take you to a list showing all available special awards.
Click the Update button for a special award to get to a page like that shown below:
Check off the scouts who earned this award and fill in the appropriate dates.
Then click Save & Exit to save your changes.
Individual Account Report
A new report allows you to print out the transaction history for an individual with their name and account balance.
To create this report, go to Money → Account Balances → Individual Balances.
Click the View Details button next to a person's name, then click the Print Account Details button to produce the PDF report.
Group Transaction to Credit Participants
It has always been easy to charge event participants for attending an event.
A new function makes it just as easy to issue a credit to those participants.
This could be useful if you set the initial charge too high and wish to issue a refund later.
This function can be initiated from the Troop Calendar detail page, using the button shown below.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning