November 2015 Enhancements December 2015 Enhancements January 2016 Enhancements

Advancement Enhancements

This month's enhancements include:

  • Support for 2016 rank requirements
  • New advancement reports
  • Support for Venturing advancement
  • Venturing advancement reports

2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements

The BSA revised the requirements for all ranks from Boy Scout through Eagle effective January 1, 2016, with a phase-in period to last one year.

All of the new requirements are now available in TroopWebHost.

Scouts who had completed at least one requirement under the old version stayed with that version, although you can change them to the new version if needed.

Scouts who had not started a rank were automatically assigned to the new version, although they can be changed back to the old one.

The Requirements Version field appears in the lower right corner of each rank tab.  You can only use it to select a different version if none of the requirements are marked complete under the current version.

To change a scout to a different version of the requirements for a given rank:

  1. Clear all checkmarks from all requirements for this rank.
  2. Click the Save button.
  3. Select a different Requirements Version from the drop down list.
  4. Click the Save button again.
  5. You should now see the requirements for the version you selected.
  6. Check off the requirements that this scout has completed so far.
  7. Click the Save button one more time.

Reports Updated For 2016 Requirements

Several reports were updated to include the 2016 requirements:

Each of these reports will have separate sections for the 2016 version of the requirements, if you have any scouts that are working on that version.

New Boy Scout Advancement Reports

The Rank Requirements Earned For Tenderfoot report shows all of the requirements earned by scouts who have not yet earned the Tenderfoot rank.

The Rank Requirements Earned For Second Class report shows all of the requirements earned by scouts who have not yet earned the Second Class rank.

The Rank Requirements Earned For First Class report shows all of the requirements earned by scouts who have not yet earned the First Class rank.

Each of these reports will have separate sections for each version of the requirements.

These reports may also be found in the Advancement Reports By Patrol submenu, grouped by patrol.


You may have noticed a new button on the Individual Advancements grid.

Or a new bottom tab on any of the detail pages.

These lead to a new set of tabs for tracking the primary Venturing awards: Venturing, Discovery, Pathfinder, and Summit.

These tabs work just like the rank requirement tabs for the Boy Scout ranks.  All of the requirements are in place for the four awards.

Venturing Reports

The Requirements Earned For Venturing report shows all of the requirements earned by scouts who have begun any of the primary Venturing awards, as shown by completing at least one Venturing award requirement.

The Uncompleted Venturing Requirements Report lists the requirements needed by each scout for his next Venturing award.

The Uncompleted Venturing Requirements Summary lists each Venturing award requirement, and shows the scouts who still need to complete this requirement to earn their next Venturing award.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at

When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.

Thank you for your support!

John Corning