New Editor for E-Mail and Forum

We upgraded the text editor used in the Compose E-Mail pages and the Forum postings to use the popular open source editor, CKEditor.
This gives us some very useful features:
- Automatically saves the draft of your current message to the browser's local memory, from which it can be restored in case of a failure.
- Drag and drop images into your message.
- Switch to full page mode for editing your message.
- Edit the underlying HTML source code for your message.
Restore Lost Message
Did you notice the Restore button in the lower right corner of the editor?
It will take you to a window like the one shown below, from which you can restore previous versions of your message.

The editor automatically backs up copies of your message from time to time, saving it in your browser's local memory.
You can view each of those copies by clicking on the date/time stamp in the left hand column. To restore one of the copies just click the OK button.
can force an immediate backup of your current message by clicking the button to the left of the Restore button, as shown at right.
So now, if you've just lost a message that you spent hours composing because your network went down when you clicked the Send button,
you can get it back. Just return to the Compose Email page and click the Restore button!
Drag and Drop Images
Yes, you can now insert images into your message just by dragging them into the message window!

The image will be immediately uploaded to our server and the editor will insert a link to that image in your message, as shown above.
You can make the image larger or smaller by dragging the little black square that appears in the lower right corner of the image when you hover over it.
Full Page Mode

The button circled above will take you to "full page" mode, expanding the editor to use the entire browser window.
Click it again to return to the smaller text editor window.
Edit HTML Source

The Source button (circled above) will allow you to view and edit the underlying HTML of your message.
Technically inclined users can add their own styling to create special effects in their messages.
View Shift Participants
You can now see who signed up for each shift on an event on the calendar detail page, as shown below.
You can also see who signed up for each shift when you use the Sign-Up For Upcoming Shifts function on the My Stuff menu.

Newsletter Links To Events
In the section of the Automated Electronic Newsletter that lists upcoming events, the name of each event now contains a link to the calendar detail page for that event.
This will make it easy to go to your website to sign up for the event.
This works best if you are already logged on to the site.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning