Required Training
Training courses can now be designated as required for the members of a dynamic subgroup.
Select the dynamic subgroup from the drop down list as shown at left.
You can also add a document or URL link to each training course to provide Additional Information about that course.
Training Reports
There are four new reports on the Membership Reports submenu to help you manage training for your members.
Expired Training By Course and Expired Training By Person list the courses which were previously taken by troop members that have since expired.
Here is a sample of the Expired Training By Course report:

The Required Training By Course and Required Training By Person reports show the status of each member who is required to take a course.
This is what the Required Training By Course report looks like:

Boy Scouts - Dynamic Subgroups By Scout Age Range
Boy Scouts now have the ability to create dynamic subgroups that include all active scouts within a specified age range.

You are not required to enter a value in both fields. For example, if you set the minimum age to 14 and leave the maximum age blank, it will select all scouts who are 14 years or older.
Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts - View My Achievements
Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts - and their parents - may now view their achievements from the My Stuff menu.
Parents can view their scout's achievements by clicking the Achievements button from the My Stuff → My Family page.
Cub Scouts can select My Adventures & Badges from the My Stuff menu to see a page like the one shown below.
Girl Scouts can select My Journeys & Badges from the My Stuff menu to see a similar page.
The page shows all of the achievements available at the current level, with this scout's current status on each. Click the Requirements button to view the status on each requirement for this badge.
Below that grid is another grid showing what achievements were earned at earlier age levels.
New Girl Scout Badges
The following badges were recently introudced for Girl Scouts:
- Brownie: Outdoor Adventurer
- Junior: Horseback Riding
- Cadette: Archery
- Senior: Paddling
- Ambassador: Ultimate Recreation Challenge
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning