Reports For Boy Scouts & Fundraising For Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts
We introduced several new features in our
TroopWebHost software for Boy Scouts this month, including two important new reports:
Camping Merit Badge Camping Nights report to show camping nights earned for Camping Merit badge.
Attendance Totals By Event report shows participation at all events over a selected date range.
The Scouting History report can now be produced for inactive scouts and scouts who have moved to adult status.
You can enter captions for a group of photos on the Upload Photos page.
For Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts using TroopWebHostGS and
TroopWebHostCS respectively,
we've added comprehensive support for fundraising drives.
This gives Girl Scouts a great way to manage every aspect of cookie sales, and makes it easy for Cub Scouts to enter and track orders for Popcorn sales.
Camping Merit Badge Camping Nights Report
The Camping Merit Badge Camping Nights report shows which of your scouts have earned requirement 9.a of Camping merit badge
based on the number of long term and short term camping nights completed.

Attendance Totals By Event
The Attendance Totals By Event report shows how many scouts and adults attended events
within a selected date range.

Scouting History Report For Adults and Inactive Members
The Scouting History report can now be produced for scouts who have transitioned to adult status and for inactive members.
For inactive members, this report can now be produced from the Inactive Members page on the Troop menu. Click the Update button for a person on this list and you
will see a button to produce the Scouting History Report at the top of the next page.
For scouts who have transitioned to adult status, there is a new tab on the Adult Achievements
page for Scouting History.
This tab lists the ranks and merit badges earned by this person when he was a scout.
It also has a button to produce the Scouting History report, as shown below.

Enter Captions For Multiple Photos
The Upload Photos page now allows you to enter captions for all of the photos
for a given event in one operation.
Just fill in the captions and click the Save or Save & Exit button.

Fundraising for Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts
TroopWebHostGS and
TroopWebHostCS now feature comprehensive support for
Fundraising Drives, including:
- Allowing members to enter their own orders for fundraiser sales.
- Encouraging members to promote on-line sales at our site.
- Supporting booth sales on Internet connected tablets and smartphones to accept cash,
checks, credit cards, and debit cards for real time sales.
- Managing inventory of fundraiser merchandise.
- Producing reports to help order and distribute products.
Here is what the booth sales page looks like for Girl Scout cookies on an iPad™.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning