Booth Sales
Many troops conduct seasonal fundraisers that
involve selling merchandise - like Christmas Trees - direct to the public at a fixed location.
TroopWebHost now provides an easy way to track all of these sales - and even make change and accept credit and debit cards - all from your Internet-connected
smartphone or tablet using our new Booth Sales page.
Credit and debit cards are processed using an interface to PayPal Here,
a free app. PayPal will send you a free card reader (as shown at left) when you sign up.
At the end of your shift we'll help you prepare a bank deposit slip with total amounts and an itemized list of checks. The deposit transactions will be saved in
your TroopWebHost database.
What could be easier?
This Is How It Works
With a smartphone or tablet, all you have to do is tap on an item to add it to an order. Tap it again to increase the quantity.

Tap the Cash, Check or Card buttons when you are ready to accept payment.
Please see the User Guide for a step-by-step illustrated description.
This Is How To Set It Up
You'll need to do several things to set this up:
- If you have not already set up your site to accept PayPal, you'll need to do that first.
- Your sales campaign also needs to be configured to accept PayPal payments. Specifically,
you need to specify the transaction type that will be used for PayPal payments.
- Your sales campaign also needs to be configured to specify the transaction type to be used
for the bank deposits that you'll create at the end of each shift.
- Finally, you need to install the free PayPal Here app on your device and request a free card reader from PayPal.
If you have any questions or suggestions about TroopWebHost, please contact us at
When you do, please include your troop number and city in your message so we'll know exactly who you are.
Thank you for your support!
John Corning